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Holman 50mm x 1m PVC DWV Pipe

4.3 (9)

I/N: 4770087

4.3 (9)

I/N: 4770087

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  • Widely used as the preferred pipe for sewer applications
  • All Holman PVC pipe is watermark certified
  • Australian Standards AS/NZS1260
Holman DWV Pipe is used for transferring all types of water through a channel underground. Is widely used as the preferred pipe for sewer applications. Ease of handling and installation, along with strength and corrosion resistance are key reasons for its popularity

DWV in general is very durable and resistant to the Australian conditions.








50mm 50mm 1000mm


56mm 56mm 1000mm


Easy To Carry

Total Weight 1kg


Model Name
50mm x 1m DWV
Model Number
ABS Plastic
Minimum working temperature (c)
Actual outside diameter (mm)
Wrapped (Yes/No)
Recommended Use
Transferring All Types of Water
Perforated (Yes/No)
Maximum working pressure (kpa)
Maximum working temperature (c)
Coiled (Yes/No)
Water Marked
Item Package Type
Actual inside diameter (mm)


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