Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Chart: ASTM A312 / ASME SA312 (Dimension, Weight & Burst Data)

5S 5 10S 10 20 30 40S &
40 60 80S &
80 100 120 140 160 XXH
1/8 .405 Wall Thickness 0.035 0.035 0.049 0.049 0.068 0.068 0.095 0.095
Weight / Foot 0.1383 0.1383 0.1863 0.1863 0.2447 0.2447 0.3145 0.3145
0.335 0.335 0.37 0.37 0.269 0.269 0.215 0.215
Burst Pressure 12099 12099 16938 16938 23506 23506 32840 32840
1/4 .540 Wall Thickness 0.049 0.049 0.065 0.065 0.088 0.088 0.119 0.119
Weight / Foot 0.257 0.257 0.3297 0.3297 0.4248 0.4248 0.5341 0.5341
Inside Diameter 0.442 0.442 0.41 0.41 0.364 0.364 0.0302 0.0302
12704 12704 16852 16852 22815 22815 30852 30852
3/8 .675 Wall Thickness 0.049 0.049 0.065 0.065 0.091 0.091 0.126 0.126
Weight /
0.3276 0.3276 0.4235 0.4235 0.5676 0.5676 0.7388 0.7388
Inside Diameter 0.577 0.577 0.545 0.545 0.493 0.493 0.423 0.423
10163 10163 13481 13481 18874 18874 26133 26133
1/2 .840 Wall Thickness 0.065 0.065 0.083 0.083 0.109 0.109 0.147 0.147 0.188 0.294
Weight / Foot 0.5383 0.5383 67.1 67.1 0.851 0.851 1.088 1.088 1.304 1.714
Inside Diameter 0.71 0.71 0.674 0.674 0.622 0.622 0.546 0.546 0.464 0.252
Burst Pressure 13481 13481 17215 17215 22607 22607 30488 30488 38993 60978
3/4 1.050 Wall Thickness 0.065 0.065 0.083 0.083 113 113 0.154 0.154 0.219 0.308
Weight / Foot 0.6838 0.6838 0.8572 0.8572 1.131 1.131 1.474 1.474 1.94 2.441
Inside Diameter 0.92 0.92 0.884 0.884 0.824 0.824 0.742 0.742 0.612 0.0434
Burst Pressure 8667 8667 11067 11067 15067 15067 20533 20533 29200 41067
1 1.315 Wall Thickness 0.065 0.065 0.109 0.109 0.133 0.133 0.179 0.179 0.25 0.358
Weight / Foot 0.8678 0.8678 1.404 1.404 1.679 1.679 2.172 2.172 2.844 3.659
Inside Diameter 1.185 1.185 1.097 1.097 1.049 1.049 0.957 0.957 0.815 0.599
Burst Pressure 6920 6920 11005 11005 14160 14160 19057 19057 26616 38114
1-1/4 1.660 Wall Thickness 0.065 0.065 0.109 0.109 0.14 0.14 0.191 0.191 0.25 0.382
Weight / Foot 1.107 1.107 1.806 1.806 2.273 2.273 2.997 2.997 3.765 5.214
Inside Diameter 1.53 1.53 1.442 1.442 1.38 1.38 1.278 1.278 1.16 0.896
Burst Pressure 5482 5482 9193 9193 11807 11807 16108 16108 21084 32217
1-1/2 1.900 Wall Thickness 0.065 0.065 0.109 0.109 0.145 0.145 0.2 0.2 0.281 0.4
/ Foot
1.274 1.274 2.085 2.085 2.718 2.718 3.631 3.631 4.859 6.408
Inside Diameter 1.77 1.77 1.682 1.682 1.61 1.61 1.5 1.5 1.338 1.1
Burst Pressure 4789 4789 8032 8032 10684 10684 14737 14737 20705 29474
2 2.375 Wall Thickness .065 .065 .109 .109 .154 .154 .218 .218 .344 .436
Weight / Foot 1.604 1.604 2.638 2.638 3.653 3.653 5.002 5.002 7.46 9.029
Inside Diameter 2.245 2.245 2.157 2.157 2.067 2.067 1.939 1.939 1.687 1.503
Burst Pressure 3832 3832 6425 6425 9078 9078 12851 12851 20278 25701
2-1/2 2.875 Wall Thickness .083 .083 .120 .120 .203 .203 .276 .276 .375 .552
Weight / Foot 2.475 2.475 3.531 3.531 5.793 5.793 7.661 7.661 10.01 13.70
Inside Diameter 2.709 2.709 2.835 2.835 2.469 2.469 2.323 2.323 2.125 1.771
Burst Pressure 4042 4042 5843 5843 9885 9885 13440 13440 18261 26880
3 3.5 Wall Thickness .083 .083 .120 .120 .261 .261 .300 .300 .438 .600
Weight / Foot 3.029 3.029 4.332 4.332 7.576 7.576 10.25 10.25 14.32 18.58
Inside Diameter 3.334 3.334 3.26 3.26 3.068 3.068 2.9 2.9 2.624 2.3
3320 3320 4800 4800 8640 8640 12000 12000 17520 24000
3-1/2 4.000 Wall Thickness .083 .083 .120 .120 .226 .226 .318 .318 636
/ Foot
3.472 3.472 4.973 4.973 9.109 9.109 12.51 12.51 22.85
Inside Diameter 3.834 3.834 3.76 3.76 3.548 3.548 3.364 3.364 2.728
2905 2905 4200 4200 7910 7910 11130 11130 22260
4 4.500 Wall Thickness .083 .083 .120 .120 .237 .237 .281 .337 .337 .438 .531 .64
/ Foot
3.915 3.915 5.613 5.613 10.79 10.79 12.66 14.98 14.98 19.01 22.51 27.54
Inside Diameter 4.334 4.334 4.26 4.26 4.026 4.026 3.938 3.826 3.826 3.624 3.483 3.152
Burst Pressure 2582 2582 3733 3733 7373 7373 8742 10484 10484 13627 16520 20969
5 5.563 Wall Thickness .109 .109 .134 .134 .203 .258 .258 .375 .375 .500 .625 .750
Weight / Foot 6.349 6.349 7.770 7.770 11.62 14.62 14.62 20.78 20.78 27.04 32.96 38.55
Inside Diameter 5.345 5.345 5.295 5.295 5.157 5.047 5.047 4.813 4.813 4.563 4.313 4.063
Burst Pressure 2743 2743 3372 3372 6109 6493 6493 9437 9437 12583 15729 18874
6 6.625 Wall Thickness .109 .109 .134 .134 .203 .280 .280 .432 .432 .562 .719 .864
Weight / Foot 7.585 7.585 9.29 9.29 13.92 18.97 18.97 28.57 28.57 36.39 45.35 53.16
Inside Diameter 6.407 6.407 6.357 6.357 6.219 6.065 6.065 5.761 5.761 5.501 5.187 4.897
Burst Pressure 2303 2303 2832 2832 4290 5917 5917 9129 9129 11876 15194 18258
8 8.625 Wall Thickness .109 .109 .148 .148 .250 .277 .322 .322 .406 .500 .500 .594 .719 .812 .906 .875
/ Foot
9.914 9.914 13.4 13.4 22.36 24.7 28.55 28.55 35.64 43.39 43.39 50.95 60.71 67.76 74.69 72.42
Inside Diameter 8.407 8.407 8.329 8.329 8.125 8.071 7.981 7.981 7.813 7.625 7.625 7.437 7.187 7.001 6.813 6.875
Burst Pressure 1769 1769 2402 2402 4058 4496 5227 5227 6590 8116 8116 9642 11671 13180 14706 14203
10 10.750 Wall Thickness .134 .134 .165 .165 .250 .307 .365 .365 .500 .500 .594 .719 .844 1.000 1.125 1.00
Weight / Foot 15.19 15.19 18.65 18.65 28.04 34.24 40.48 40.48 54.75 54.75 64.43 77.03 89.29 104.13 115.64 104.13
Inside Diameter 10.428 10.428 10.42 10.42 10.25 10.136 10.02 10.02 9.75 9.75 8.562 9.312 9.062 8.75 8.50 8.75
Burst Pressure 1745 1745 2149 2149 3256 3998 4753 4753 6512 6512 7736 9364 10992 13023 14651 13023
12 12.750 Wall Thickness .156 .156 .180 .180 .250 .330 .375 .406 .562 .500 .688 .844 .1000 1.125 1.312 1.000
Weight / Foot 21.07 22.18 24.17 24.17 33.38 43.77 49.56 53.53 73.16 65.42 88.63 107.32 125.5 139.7 160.3 125.5
Inside Diameter 12.438 12.42 12.39 12.39 12.25 12.09 12 11.938 11.626 11.75 11.374 11.062 10.75 10.5 10.126 10.75
Burst Pressure 1713 1812 1976 1976 2745 3624 4118 4458 6171 5490 7555 9267 10980 12353 14406 10980
14 14.000 Wall Thickness .156 .188 .250 .312 .375 .375 .438 .594 .500 .750 .938 1.094 1.250 1.406
Weight / Foot 23.07 27.73 36.71 45.61 54.57 54.57 63.44 85.05 72.09 106.1 130.85 150.79 170.2 189.1
Inside Diameter 13.688 13.624 13.5 13.376 13.25 13.25 13.124 12.812 13 12.5 12.124 11.812 11.5 11.188
Burst Pressure 1560 1880 2500 3120 3750 3750 4380 5940 6000 7500 9380 10940 12500 14060
16 16.000 Wall Thickness 1.65 .188 .250 .312 .375 .375 .500 .656 .500 .844 1.031 1.219 1.438 1.594
Weight / Foot 27.90 31.75 42.05 52.27 62.58 62.58 82.77 107.5 82.77 136.6 164.8 192.43 223.64 245.25
15.67 15.624 16.6 15.376 15.25 15.25 15 14.688 15 14.312 13.938 13.562 13.124 12.812
1444 1645 2188 2730 3281 3281 4375 5740 4375 7385 9021 10666 12583 13948
18 18.000 Wall Thickness .165 .188 .250 .312 .438 .375 .562 .750 .500 .938 1.156 1.375 1.562 1.781
Weight / Foot 31.43 35.76 47.39 58.94 82.15 70.59 104.67 138.2 93.45 170.92 208.0 244.1 274.2 308.5
Inside Diameter 17.67 17.624 17.5 17.376 17.124 17.26 16.876 16.5 17 16.124 15.688 15.25 14.876 14.438
Burst Pressure 1283 1462 1944 2427 3407 2917 4371 5833 3889 7296 8991 10894 12149 13852
20 20.000 Wall Thickness .188 .219 .250 .375 .500 .375 .594 .182 .500 1.031 1.281 1.500 1.750 1.969
Weight / Foot 39.78 46.27 52.73 78.60 104.1 78.60 123.1 166.4 104.1 208.9 256.1 296.4 341.1 379.2
19.624 19.682 19.5 19.25 19 19.25 18.812 18.376 19 17.938 17.438 17 16.5 16.062
1316 15.33 1750 2625 3500 2626 4158 5684 3500 7217 8967 10600 12250 13783
22 22.000 Wall Thickness .250 .375 .500 .375 .875 .500 1.125 1.375 1.625 1.875 2.125
Weight / Foot 58.07 86.61 114.8 86.61 197.4 114.8 250.8 302.88 353.6 403.0 451.1
Inside Diameter 21.6 21.25 21 21.25 20.25 21 19.75 19.25 18.75 18.25 17.75
Burst Pressure 1591 2386 3182 2386 5568 3182 7159 8760 10341 11932 13523
24 24.000 Wall Thickness .218 .250 .250 .375 .562 .375 .688 .969 .500 1.219 1.531 1.812 2.062 2.344
Weight / Foot 55.37 63.41 63.41 94.62 140.8 94.62 171.29 238.35 125.5 296.58 367.4 429.4 483.1 542.1
23.564 23.5 23.5 23.25 22.876 23.25 22.624 22.062 23 21.682 20.938 20.376 19.876 19.312
1272 1458 1458 2188 3278 2188 4013 5653 2917 7111 8931 10570 12028 13673
26 26.000 Wall Thickness .312 .500 .375 .500
Weight / Foot 85.60 136.17 102.63 136.17
Inside Diameter 26.378 25 25.25 25
Burst Pressure 1680 2692 2019 2692
28 28.000 Wall Thickness .312 .500 .625 .375
Weight / Foot 92.26 146.85 182.73 110.64
Inside Diameter 27.376 27 26.75 27.25
Burst Pressure 1560 2500 3125 1875
30 30.000 Wall Thickness .250 .312 .312 .500 .625 .375 .500
Weight / Foot 79.43 98.93 98.93 157.53 196.08 118.65 157.53
Inside Diameter 29.6 29.376 29.378 29 28.75 29.25 29
Burst Pressure 1167 1456 1456 2333 2917 1750 2333
32 32.000 Wall Thickness .312 .500 .625 .375 .688 .500
Weight / Foot 105.59 168.21 209.43 126.66 230.08 168.21
Inside Diameter 31.376 31 30.75 31.25 30.624 31
Burst Pressure 1365 2188 2734 1641 3010 2188
34 34.000 Wall Thickness .312 .500 .625 .375 .688 .500
Weight / Foot 112.25 178.89 222.78 134.67 244.77 178.89
Inside Diameter 33.378 33 32.75 33.25 32.624 33
Burst Pressure 1285 2059 2574 1544 2833 2059
36 36.000 Wall Thickness .312 .500 .625 .375 .750 .500
Weight / Foot 118.92 189.57 236.13 142.68 282.35 189.57
Inside Diameter 35.376 35 34.75 35.25 34.5 35
Burst Pressure 1213 1944 2431 1458 2917 1944
42 42.000 Wall Thickness .375 .500
Weight / Foot 166.7 221.6
Inside Diameter 41.26 41
Burst Pressure 1250 1667
48 48.000 Wall Thickness .375 .500
Weight / Foot 190.7 253.6
Inside Diameter 47.25 47
Burst Pressure 1094 1458
Wall Thickness displayed are in inches,
weights displayed are in pounds/foot and
burst pressures displayed are in PSI.
Theoretical Bursting Pressure is based
on an ultimate strength of s=70,000 psi.
Using Barlow’s Formula where:
P = T2S / OD
T = Wall thickness When establishing a working pressure a
safety factor of 4 or 5 to 1 is
typically used, the joint efficiency is
in the 70% range and wall thickness
variations are 12.55 of normal. Factors
where calculated at ambient