Pole Top Reducer 4 Inch to 3 Inch

Item #
  • Dark Bronze - Standard
  • Black Powder Coat (2-3 week lead time) +$19
  • White Powder Coat (2-3 week lead time) +$19
  • Gray Powder Coat (2-3 week lead time) +$19
  • Custom Color - Contact LightMart

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Pole Top Reducer 4 Inch to 3 Inch. Item Number: 555001
Product Description: This steel pole top reducer allows you to attach light fixtures requiring a 3 inch pole top on 4 inch round light poles. The bottom portion of the adapter is 4.562 inches long with an outer dimension of 3 inches allowing it to slide and fit inside any 4 inch diameter round pole. The top portion is 3.25 inches tall and has an outer dimension of 3 inches. The collar is made of 0.188 inch thick steel and its 5 inch outer dimension lip allows this reducer to fit securely on any 4 inch diameter pole. The overall length of this reducer is 7.812 inches. Weight is 3.10 lbs.
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