About Us

Made in the USA

For over a century Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company has been manufacturing pipe and fittings exclusively in the USA, employing 1,400 loyal, hard-working Americans. Today we manufacture the industry's broadest range of standard and specialty DWV products, including cast iron and plastic pipe and fittings.

Charlotte Pipe is headquartered in Charlotte, NC, and has seven plant locations across the United States.

Meet Some Of Our Associates

Tried and True

Domestic Cast Iron vs. Imported Products

Charlotte Pipe and Foundry

Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI)

Media Coverage

Third Party Reports

Ad Campaigns

Our Culture and History

The culture and history of our company as shared by some of our associates. Charlotte Pipe manufactures pipe and fittings for the plumbing industry, and our products are proudly made in the USA.

Culture and History