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Holman 50mm x 6m PVC DWV Pipe

5 (4)

I/N: 4770352

5 (4)

I/N: 4770352

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  • Used for drain, waste and vent
  • Lengths are available in 1m, 3m and 6m
  • Certified to the Australian Standards
A DWV Pipe is used for drain, waste and vent applications. It is used in a variety of areas mainly removing sewage and greywater from buildings.

All of the 3m and 6m pipe is certified to Australian Standards.








50mm 50mm 6000mm


56mm 56mm 6000mm


Easy To Carry

Total Weight 3.77kg


Model Name
Holman 50mm x 6m PVC DWV Pipe
Model Number
Poly Viny Chloride - PVC
Minimum working temperature (c)
Actual outside diameter (mm)
Wrapped (Yes/No)
Recommended Use
Underground drainage & Waste
Perforated (Yes/No)
Maximum working pressure (kpa)
Maximum working temperature (c)
Coiled (Yes/No)
Australian Standards
Item Package Type
Actual inside diameter (mm)


We will gladly assist with returns and exchanges of this product in accordance with our returns and exchanges policy.

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