Polymer Composite Insulators

Composite Insulators Manufacturer

11-400 kV polymeric insulators or composite silicone rubber insulators are manufactured conforming to international standards & specifications. Earlier insulators were made up of ceramic or glass only but with the advancements in technology the usage of composite insulators has grown to prevent line flash-over triggered by pollution. We are leading Silicone Insulation Manufacturers & Suppliers in India.

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  • Light weight (65-80% less than ceramic insulator)
  • Silicon rubber sheds provide perfect hydrophobic performance, good resistance to ageing, tracking and erosion
  • Stable behaviour at extreme climatic conditions
  • Long term surface hydrophobicity
  • Suitable for polluted environment, salty atmospheres etc.
  • Resistance to breakage and vandalism, practically unbreakable
  • Superior anti-tracking properties
  • High mechanical strength
  • Ease of installation (easier handling with lighter equipment and labour at the job site)
  • Resistance to Seismic Shock
  • Compliance with IEC 61109, ANS C29-11-1989

Dimension Chart

Nominal System Voltage kV Sectional Length in mm Specified Mechanical in KN (min.) Creepage Distance in mm P. F. (Dry) Withstand Voltage kV/mint P. F. (Wet) Withstand Voltage kV/mint Impulse Withstand VoltageKVP Types of Metal Fitting
11 260 5 320 65 40 80 PIN
11-15 290 45 320 65 40 80 T&C/B&S
11-15 320 70-90 320 65 40 80 T&C/B&S
22-25 430 70-90 770 105 60 150 T&C/B&S
33 375 10 980 120 90 210 PIN
33-36 540 70-90 1005 125 90 230 T&C/B&S
66 Sus 774 70-90 2030 200 140 350 B & S
66 Tens. 884 120 2441 200 140 350 B & S
132 Sus 1344 70-90 4495 350 275 650 B & S
132 Tens 1536 120 5016 350 275 650 B & S
220 Sus. 2119 70-90 7595 630 540 1050 B & S
220 Tens. 2256 120 7975 630 540 1050 B & S
400 Sus. 3335 120 13020 750 700 1550 B & S
400 Tens. 3910 160 14500 750 700 1550 B & S

Note : Cable Insulator with different type of metal fitting can be manufactured as per requirement.