ANSI B16.47 Series B Class 150 Flanges

Series B 150 Weld Neck Flange

Series B 150 Blind Flange

(Click any image above to enlarge it and lock it in place, then scroll to the bottom table for dimensions)
Thickness Drilling Weight
Nom Size OD Weld Neck Blind OD of RF Dia at Base Bore LTH Dia Bevel Bolt Circle Bolt Length Hole Dia # of Holes Weld Neck Blind
O C C R X B Y A (1) (2)
26 30.94 1.57 1.69 28 26.94 3.44 26.06 29.31 5.5 0.88 36 120 373
28 32.94 1.69 1.82 30 28.94 3.69 28.06 31.31 5.75 0.88 40 140 454
30 34.94 1.69 1.94 32 31 3.88 30.06 33.31 6 0.88 44 150 543
32 37.06 1.75 2.07 34 33.06 4.19 32.06 35.44 6.25 0.88 48 170 648
34 39.56 1.88 2.19 36.25 35.12 4.28 34.06 37.69 6.75 1 40 210 783
36 41.62 2 2.25 38.25 37.19 4.57 36.06 39.75 6.75 1 44 240 890
38 44.25 2.07 2.44 40.25 39.25 4.82 38.12 42.12 7.5 1.12 40 290 1089
40 46.25 2.13 2.57 42.5 41.31 5 40.12 44.12 7.75 1.12 44 310 1247
42 48.25 2.25 2.63 44.5 43.38 5.19 42.12 46.12 7.75 1.12 48 345 1393
44 50.25 2.32 2.75 46.5 45.38 5.32 44.12 48.12 8 1.12 52 370 1579
46 52.81 2.38 2.88 48.62 47.44 5.63 46.12 50.56 8.5 1.25 40 435 1824
48 54.81 2.5 3 50.75 49.5 5.82 48.12 52.56 8.75 1.25 44 480 2045
50 56.81 2.63 3.13 52.75 51.5 6 50.12 54.56 9 1.25 48 520 2284
52 58.81 2.69 3.25 54.75 53.56 6.13 52.12 56.56 9.25 1.25 52 550 2547
54 61 2.75 3.38 56.75 55.62 6.32 54.12 58.75 9.5 1.25 56 620 2848
56 63 2.82 3.5 58.75 57.69 6.5 56.12 60.75 9.75 1.25 60 650 3144
58 65.94 2.88 3.62 60.75 59.69 6.82 58.12 63.44 10 1.38 48 780 3560
60 67.94 2.94 3.75 63 61.81 7 60.12 65.44 10.25 1.38 52 850 3913

Dimensions are in inches. Weights are in pounds.

(1)- Bolt lengths are calculated based on bolting one WN to one Blind.
(2)- Bolt diameter should be 1/8″ less than the bolt hole diameter

Larger sizes, as well as intermediate sizes, can be furnished.
ANSI B16.47 Series B Class 150 Flange PDF (for printing).